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Cardiac Rehab

Stephanie Foster, RN

Registered Nurse

  • On-Site Treatment

  • Personalized Plans

  • Treadmills

  • Airdynes

  • Recumbant Bikes

  • Nu Step

  • Precor Weight System

  • Echo Tests Available

  • Stress Tests Available

Providing You the Best in Cardiac Rehab

Our CR (Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation) program focuses on optimizing physical function in patients with cardiac disease. Our services are provided in an outpatient setting as comprehensive, long-term programs that involve:

  • Medical evaluation
  • Prescribed exercise
  • Risk factor modification
  • Specialized education
  • Personalized counseling

If necessary, we also offer nutritional therapies, weight loss programs, management of lipid abnormalities with diet and medication, blood pressure control, diabetes management and stress management.

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someone holding a heart

Cardiac Rehab Hours:

  • Mon - Wed - Fri
  • 8:00 am - 12:00 noon
  • Flexible Scheduling Available

What to Bring:

  • Insurance Cards
  • Driver's/State ID
  • Current Med List

Contact Information

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